How to prepare for the PADI IDC with PADI IDC College Croatia, Hvar Divers
Some words from Marjolein, our Course Director:
"Hi candidates, it is with great pleasure that I conduct the IDC's for our diving center Hvar Divers and Croatia Divers.
Below you will find a description on how to prepare yourself for the IDC. This preparation is important for your success at the IDC, IE and your further professional career.
During the IDC, we will spend quite some time on the 6 elements of working as a professional in the dive industry. Every time we take certified divers or student divers under our supervision, we have to consider these following elements can vary from dive to dive:
- The equipment
- The environment
- Our students / divers
- Ourselves
- Our expectations
- Our responsibility
Come prepared for the IDC and you will learn a lot and have a lot of fun doing it.
I like to see you at the next IDC.
Warm regards, Marjolein Hogendoorn, PADI Course Director 939548

The Secret of Success
Over the years we have noticed that many instructor candidates arrived without sufficient preparation. As a consequence they had to work a lot harder during the course to master the knowledge and skills, which they should have known already from their previous courses.
The course is quite intensive and there is homework to do in the evenings. It is better to prepare yourself beforehand to reduce the amount of work required during the course.
The secret of a successful, stress-free course is:
To arrive well prepared on the first day. Below you will find what you have to do and what is recommended. For these things you won't find time during the course: Read your Instructor Candidate Workbook and fill out the 16 Knowledge Reviews. Remember that these must be completed before the start of your course.
Thoroughly review your knowledge of the 5 theory topics: Physics, Physiology, Equipment, Skills & Environment and the Recreational Dive Planner, both the table and the wheel. It is important to know that these topics are not covered during the IDC, they have been taught in the Divemaster Course. Train yourself for this with the Diving Knowledge Workbook and the Divemaster final exams. Complete the Dive Theory quiz in your IDC Candidate Workbook.
Update your Instructor Manual with all the training bulletins. You will receive them together with your manual or you can download them from or ask us to send them to you. An updated manual is very important both for following the IDC and for the Standards Exam in the IE.
Train yourself in the skill evaluation circuit. You will find the 20 exercises of the skill circuit in the Divemaster section of your Instructor manual. Remember you should concentrate on the Demonstration Quality of the exercises because this is what you will need to do as an instructor. The demonstrations in the PADI Open Water Diver video are helpful in this respect. Rescue practice: especially if it has been some time since your Rescue and Divemaster Course, it will be necessary to review the exercises from the Rescue Diver Course. Exercise 7 is the one you will be evaluated for during the IE.
A good idea is to look again at the demonstration of this exercise on the video. Be sure to have all your equipment in order and to bring all the required training material and documents. If any help is needed in doing this, please look at our Prep Course further down on this page, which has been specifically designed for this.
IDC Prep Course with Hvar Divers
The IDC Preparation or Prep Course is an optional but useful program. You can join the course if you think you need help in preparing yourself for your Assistant Instructor Course, your Open Water Scuba Instructor Course or your Instructor Development Course. A lot of candidates have asked us for this kind of preparation in the past. That's why we decided to offer this Prep Course before the start of the Instructor Courses. Keep in mind that this course is not mandatory.
The program is divided in 3 topics as you can see below. Each topic lasts one day. You can take all three of them but you don't have to. It could be that you only need help in the water or with the 5 topics of the Divemaster Theory for example.
The IDC Preparation or Prep Course program
- Divemaster theory : Review the 5 topics of the theory: Physics, Physiology, Skills and Environment, Equipment and Recreational Dive Planner
- Instructor manual and PADI's guide to teaching : We will guide you through the Instructor Manual, together with the Candidate Workbook and help you to update it.
- Skill circuit : Maybe it's been a long time since your Divemaster Course and you have forgotten how to demonstrate the 20 exercises from the skill circuit - Sign up for the IDC preparation course!!